Our leading position in maternal and family segment

The Fosun Health Consumption Industry Group focuses on global strategic investment and in-depth industrial operations in the field of health products. It is committed to offering families around the world a safe, high-quality, and innovative platform for health products and services. This includes products and services in areas such as health foods, personal healthcare products, products for the elderly, consumer products for pets, and new retail sales.

  • 139 million

    The total number of MAU (monthly active users) of Baby tree exceeds 139 million in 2019

  • 20 million

    By the end of 2019, the number of registered users of Pro baby has exceeded 100 million and the monthly active users has exceeded 20 million

  • Over 200000

    Haipaike has become the leading Internet platform of maternal and infant industry in China, covering more than 200000 maternal and infant stores

  • Over 340 million

    Baihe Jiayuan.Com International Ltd.has become the whole industry chain of marriage and love, with a total number of registered users of more than 340 million

  • 1000 people

    Star doctor has served more than 10000 users and 1000 registered experts

  • 海拍客


  • 宝宝树


  • 亲宝宝

    亲宝宝是一个专注于为孕期以及 0-6岁家庭提供育儿服务的移动互联网平 台。公司始终坚持“用户第一”的理念,提倡“全家行动,科学养育,陪伴成长” 旨在运用科技的力量,帮助家庭更好地关爱和培育孩子。核心产品“亲宝宝 APP”于 2013 年正式上线,以宝宝成长记录、个性化育 儿指导为核心功能,为年轻家庭提供私密亲子空间、线上早教、专业养育知识、 社区交流、母婴商品等一站式育儿服务,有效联结家人共同参与孩子成长。 作为国内领先的家庭育儿平台,截止 2018 年底,亲宝宝的注册用户已经突 破 1 亿。

  • 百合佳缘


  • Stardoctor


  • theAsianparen

    theAsianparent is the flagship brand of multinational tech and digital publishing company Tickled Media Pte. Ltd.. Started in 2009, theAsianparent is the number one parenting community in Southeast Asia that aims to help parents raise healthy children and
